Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Training in summer

At the beginning of every summer since I began walking marathons, I predict there will be more time to complete training than the previous summer. It never happens. Between invites to cottages (yea!!!), the schedule of my children (boo!!!!), and severe heat (another boo000!!!!), it's all I can do to squeeze in coaching, a couple of short walks in a week, and a long training walk every other weekend.

If you are lucky enough to be attending class on a somewhat regular basis, you are probably doing well to maintain any pace gains you made over the mild winter of 2010. If class has been eluding you, try to get in some short walks with short walking sprints a couple of times a week. Even a 10 minute warm-up, 20 minutes of sprints, and a 5 minute cool down will do the trick to help you maintain your spring race pace.

If you've got race plans for the fall, you must be on top of your distance so your body is ready for the endurance. Having said that, you need intensity training. Intensity keeps your cardiovascular system in top performance shape.

So, get to class or do some sprints on your own. You will feel the difference in your performance!


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