Saturday, January 9, 2010

It's all in the group

Nine days into January and the walking is superb. Cold but superb. Today tested our Canadian character with temperatures at our 7am class starting at -25 Celsius (-13 Fahrenheit). Predictably, with these cold temperatures comes SUN. Sun is good.

Class was filled with dedicated walkers who never complain about such a small inconvenience as having to wear 10 layers topped by Vaseline! These are veteran walkers who know that to walk a good event in February, March, or April cold weather training must happen. And it is true that misery loves company - oops - or should I say everything is better with friends.

Equally enthusiastic this morning was the group of Level 1 participants which met for the first class this morning at 10am. Those who arrived ready to walk may not fully understand the meaning of layering yet, and someone did mention that they thought they had signed up for a power talking class, but we had an impressive turnout for the first of winter.

Yes, the talking does help the walking. While we coaches often have to be the talk cops by reinforcing the "no talking" rule during interval training, there is a camaraderie of the group walking class that simply can not compare to solo training walks.

For more interesting info on why group exercise works check out Alex Hutchinson's excellent posting on where you can find his Globe and Mail column from January 7 on the benefits of group exercise.

Because we always think of group exercise being indoors, here's a good place to share your insights on walking outdoors with a group.



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