Thursday, December 10, 2009

Rockin Las Vegas Marathon

We missed Cher!!!

I know it's churlish to complain about the one thing I missed on Sunday....but really...when one has been awake since 4am, eaten breakfast at 4:45, and been ready and waiting in the start area since 5:40 only to discover that Cher has come and gone - singing the national anthem while the speakers were malfunctioning - is just so very disappointing.

Surrounded by a thousand imitation Elvi, we had one of the real queens of Vegas singing for us, and we didn't catch even a glimpse of her on the mother of all jumbo screens outside of the Mandalay Bay Hotel. A search of the Internet proved fruitless - not one photo of her at the start platform - although I did learn that Celine Dion sang America the Beautiful before Cher took the stage!

I'm not sure I believe any of it happened. In a city of copycat Eiffel Towers, pyramids, and Italian cities and palazzos, not to mention thousands of copycat Elvi, there really is no real here.

Mind you, all the fakery does add up to some effective distraction. If a person suffers from any sort of attention disorder, Vegas is the half marathon to enter.

I have included some of the pics here and more on facebook.
P.S. I walked only the half marathon with Team Prevention so can't speak to the full marathon route but my first instinct is that the half marathon offers the best of Vegas - covering the Strip from beginning to end.

I know there were several WoW Power Walkers out on the course and it would be great if you would post some of your thoughts on the race.



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