Monday, March 2, 2009

How many layers can a girl wear to a race?

7:40am thought bubble: -20 with wind chill??!! What should I wear? Three layers? Merino wool sleeveless, merino wool tee, jacket

7:45am thought bubble: Will that be enough if it gets really windy? Four layers? Merino wool sleeveless, merino tee, mock turtle neck fleece with thumbhole, jacket.

7:48am thought bubble: What about my neck? Five layers? Merino wool sleeveless, merino wool tee, merino wool turtle neck, mock turtle neck fleece with thumbhole, jacket.

7:50am thought bubble: Definitely two layers on my legs or I am going to be walking like the abominable snowman. Merino wool long undies, NB Windblocker tights.

7:56am thought bubble: Yikes, last weekend when it was 2 degrees with a windchill of -8 my legs did not warm up for 10 k wearing two tight layers on my legs.

8:00am thought bubble: S***. I wanted to be finding a parking spot near the race start by now.

8:05am thought bubble: OK. Three layers on the legs. Merino wool long undies, NB Competitor tight (a little lighter weight than the windblocker), and NB Falcon pants which offer wind resistance and an air layer.

8:08am thought bubble: Good... just need to get my socks and shoes. Well, it's been cold and the wool socks have been good on training walks but I got those blisters in Myrtle Beach...but it was warm in Myrtle Beach...but I'll be wearing my racing flats today which fit a little snugger than my training shoes...better get the performance socks out.

8:12am thought bubble: I hope that parking spot isn't taken. Almost ready...just grab my gloves, mitts, light weight wool hat, fleece hat, and neck warmer from the laundry room.

8:13am thought bubble:'s sunny. Sunglasses? They can make my face cold in these temperatures. Bring them along...I can decide when I get there.

8:15am thought bubble: I better pack a few clothes to take with me in case I change my mind when I get to the start.

8:35am thought bubble climbing out of the car near the start: Holy c*** it's cold, I'm switching those Competitor tights under the Falcon pants for the Windblockers!

9am thought bubble: There's not going to be any quick pee breaks with all this on...



At March 3, 2009 at 9:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm happy to hear that your mind goes thru the same process as mine-there are too many variables in a race and the wind and waterfront can present some real issues for us. Having said all of this I did sweat-and told a friend I wouldn't because it was too cold-so I did give myself a challenge but with the cold and pushing myself ended up with a very tight IT band at the hip and tight piriformus on my arthritic left side! These are the real challenges of races and the cold. Feel better today after soaks,drugs and stretching. Had a short slow recovery walk on Monday and life is coming back to normal. I do love race season but the early spring races present some real challenges as we try to figure out what works-my walk journal does help me.

At March 3, 2009 at 10:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is hilarious! Thanks for sharing. I've not walked a race in frigid temperatures, but I often wonder exactly what should I wear when it's -30 with windchill here at home.

At March 3, 2009 at 3:51 PM , Blogger Laurel said...

Enjoyed reading the problem alot of us go through before a winter race. Unless we keep notes from previous races or training walks, we are always at a loss what to wear. I have kind of made it simpler.....I am not much of a shopper for gear or street clothes so I have only 2 pair of tights, one spring and one winter and over the winter ones I wear winter pants I bought at the running company. On top is the sports bra of course; fleece top and my walking jacket. Smart wool socks on the feet and sport gloves covered by sport mitts and my Sushi Touque. In the Chili Half this weekend, I wound up taking off the hat and hand coverings and even unzipping my neck a bit because I found the stretch along Burloak (which I always love) so warming with the beautiful sun beaming on us. But, silly me at the end I forgot to bring a change of coat etc. and got chilled a bit. This works for me because I am warm just getting dressed at home before the race and heat up so fast. It was a great race.


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