Friday, October 17, 2008

Walkers, walkers everywhere

Here I sit in DesMoines, Iowa. This doesn't look like Des Moines though, does it??

Ha...fooled you. The photo you see is a view looking south along the California coast from the path I walked along during the Long Beach Half Marathon last Sunday. This is approximately mile 7. This was taken two days after the marathon but each day in California was a carbon copy of the day before. Imagine this path with 18,000 runners and walkers moving along it!

Joy! There's really nothing like walking beside the ocean during a marathon. Especially when you have 18,000 people for company! As you can imagine the start was a little slow. And it stayed slow for a while. The route took us through the choice sites of Long Beach…which is mostly the ocean. That’s alright by me. Full marathoners broke off at mile 11 and walked up toward the university where I understand crowd support from the students in the dorms was fantastic.

As the walking coach for Team Prevention (as in Prevention magazine), I was able to relive those glorious (read nerve wracking!!) hours before a first event. Almost all team members were in Long Beach to walk their first event.

And as much as I loved walking the half for myself, the coaching/support role is even more fun! There is nothing that beats welcoming virgin marathoners after they have crossed their first finish line - faces and bodies both exhausted and exhilarated.

So, this weekend I get to experience the thrill of coaching a group with Prevention once again. Only now we are in Des Moines. As the plane approached the run-way this morning, I could make out clearly where the half marathon route would take me – starting in the downtown core and snaking its way out along the Des Moines River and moving past several lakes. From the air, I could see that we’ll be in for a fall treat with the leaves in full autumn foliage.

I’ll be eager to report back to you on the race organization too. According to all the information I have received so far, this marathon will be seriously “green”. The organizers are encouraging car-pooling to the event. Participants can set up an account with “PickupPals” – an online ride-sharing group. There is also official race gear from Green Layer. All of Green Layer’s apparel is made from bamboo charcoal and recycled polyester wicking fabric. There is also recycling of sports gel packets and granola bar wrappers on the route. Now this is progress!

This weekend there are WoW Power Walkers entered in the Toronto Half Marathon (walking division…yea!) and the Columbus Half Marathon (walking division…yea!). If anyone returns from these two excellent races, please email me some photos and I will post them here!




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